Thursday, August 13, 2015

Heart O' the Hills / Hurricane Ridge

I pulled into Heart O' the Hills Campground on Sunday afternoon. Of the 102 campsites my guess is that less than a third were occupied. Plenty to choose from but not all of them were suited for the MoFo. Too short. Too steep. Not quite flat enough. I finally settled on site 96 and paid $40 for two nights.

    The MoFo looking good

On Monday morning, after a leisurely start, we headed up Hurricane Ridge Road for 12 miles to the Hurricane Ridge Visitors Center. The views from here are spectacular and I spammed my Instagram account all day. 

    Hurricane Ridge Visitors Center

    View from Sunrise Point

Right away Rudy and I had an encounter with a young deer who was not the least bit intimidated by humans - or dogs. We got within 10 feet and Rudy was very well behaved. They were definitely very aware of each other though. 

    Rudy and Bambi check each other out

I wanted to explore more and since dogs are not allowed on trails within national parks, Rudy was relegated to the MoFo for a couple of hours. (The Fantastic Fan does a great job of ensuring things stay cool. Not to mention that it was only in the upper 60/s today.)

I walked roughly four miles on a couple of nearby trails which afforded some dang good views of the surroundings. You could look up the Elwha River valley, where a couple of dams have been removed in recent years. (I headed there Tuesday to check it out further.) you could also see Mt. Olympus and other impressive peaks - a few of which had some snow on them. (Unlike the Cascades in Oregon which seem pretty barren this summer.)

    Mt. Olympus and Blue Glacier

While I am just getting started on my Olympic National Park tour, this first stop has been impressive!

1 comment:

Debbie Wood said...

Thanks so much for sharing your experience(s). I followed your link from your comment ;-) I'm still in planning stage, and gaining momentum & excitement as I comment!