Tuesday, July 19, 2005


For the two of you check my blog on a regular basis you may have noticed that I've not posted much over the last couple of weeks. Sometimes real life has a way of taking priority over other more mundane endeavors, such as, uh, blogging.

In my case, real life came in the form of a stroke. My Dad, who will be 78 in November, had a stroke last Tuesday. He is doing fairly well and his doctor is optimistic that he will regain most, if not all of his ability. My hope is that he will be able to be out fishing again soon. And that my Mom will feel confident enough in his recovery that she won't worry more than she needs to!

In the meantime, my postsw will probably be pretty sporadic over the next few weeks. Not that anyone is likely to notice, of course . . .

1 comment:

:| raven |: said...

i noticed and was going to email you ...

i'm sorry to hear about your father, Peter. what a frightening and trying time for you and your family. i will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, and i hope he recovers very soon.