Thursday, May 5, 2005

Compelling Issues

Why did Jennifer Wilbanks run away? Well, we still don't really know, but I thought that it might help to read the statement she released today - without all the usual media interpretation. Here is the full text of the "runaway bride's" statement.



:| raven |: said...

first of all i don't think that's HER statement ... press releases like that are usually written by attorneys and i'm sure hers was as well.

second, you do know this was the second time she did this ... left a guy at the alter.

John Boy should have been prepared since it happened to another guy.

Peter Milliron said...

She's left another guy at the altar? Holy crap - I had no idea. And, regarding the press release being written by attorneys - I figured she had help on it (maybe from her pastor and family as well). I should just leave these kinds of stories to the experts. I'm always just fascinated with how people in sticky situations (like this one) end up trying to explain themselves . . .

:| raven |: said...

yea .... this was the second time she was the "runaway" bride.

i honestly think that she had no idea it would be something that would get "National Attention" ...

i don't think she ever thought that it would become the huge deal that it is .. crap she's on the cover of People this week .... i think she just freaked ... took off .. didn't have appropriate coping skills and never dreamed that it would happen like this.