Monday, July 8, 2002


Speaking of God.
There's always that whole weird trinity idea. God. Jesus. And that Holy Spirit thing that tends to give me the willies. Kind of the Three Musketeers of supreme beings. "All for one and one for all!" Or something like that. Three for the price of one.

God saying, "Hey, this will mess with their minds. I'll show up as a baby. Grow up. Claim to be Me. And then after being killed for being a heretic and nutcase I'll come back to life. Ta da! And then after that, I'll tell 'em that I've sent this little kind of spirit that will help them tap into me."

Could it be more ridiculous?

Well, yeah, it could.

Every belief system takes a serious leap of faith. Even atheism. Most folks do believe there's something else out there and whatever it is they do believe is always pretty bizarre to someone else - but somehow always makes sense to themselves. I mean how is believable is that whole Celestine Prophecy / Martha Williamson stuff? Or Wicca? Or The Force. Or astrology. Or The Matrix, for that matter.

Its all nuts.

But then, "not believing" is nuts.

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