Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Today is my four year nomadiversary! I cannot believe how amazing, fulfilling and awe-inspiring this journey has been! . When I started out on July 31, 2015, I planned (hoped) to go for five years. I had a five year plan and have accomplished much of it but still need to trek to Alaska and have concluded that it’s probably not practical for me, Rudy and the MoFo to drive to the tip of South America and back. . There have been low points where I thought I might want to be done. (Thanksgiving by yourself in Joshua Tree National Park with every other spot filled with families and friends celebrating the holiday is not as much fun as you’d think!) But there have been way more crazy wonderful experiences in places I can’t believe I have been lucky enough to experience with a whole new group of friends - thank you @xscapers - who are some of the best people I have ever known. (And I have a ton of great friends from my days back in the real world.) . And where am I today to celebrate this momentous occasion? Parked on the grass at the home where I grew up so I can visit my Dad for a bit. I’m fortunate to still be able to hang with this complicated, often difficult, but decent and good 91 year old human being. . Lastly, how long will I keep going? I have no plans to stop traveling any time soon. I think I’ll keep going until I realize I can’t do it anymore and then drive off Thelma and Louise Point in Utah. (I’ll wait until Rudy is gone, cuz that would be an awful thing to do to her.) Or maybe I’ll stop tomorrow. . In the meantime, I’ll just keep wandering around. Hope to see you soon! . #rvlife #fulltimerv #nomad #a#solotravel #homeiswhereyouparkit #wanderlust #xscapers

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